The Gap State High School

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies The Gap State High School. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment and school. You can find The Gap State High School at 1020 Waterworks Rd, The Gap, Queensland 4061.


Postal address:
1020 Waterworks Rd, The Gap, Queensland 4061
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Phone number:
+61 7 3511 3888

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Reviews about The Gap State High School

  • Kayla Jade
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    If you want your kids to get into drugs like weed, or crack. Perfect school to get circulated in it. Or if you want your kids individuality taken away by force and education taken away if they don't comply with social normality perfect school. Banned from class for a hair colour. Kids always leaving to go do drugs around the school or creek. This school prioritises appearance over education. If you're lower class expect to be discriminated against.
    Mr pollock kept me in the office for 7 hours during class with no work to do because I had red hair. He wouldn't let me attend class. Made me cry because he was saying I'm not going anywhere In Life and kept hassling me after making me cry multiple times. and Told me i should give up on my future goals and dreams because they were good enough in his eye being a hairdresser or tattoo artists. (Creative field) and insulted my appearance because it wasn't societable norm. Always had a unpleased disposition towards me yet lots of guys who often ditched school and did drugs he apprciated and respected more then me who was getting in trouble for my hair which was nothing to do with my education.

    The only reason I had red hair was because all of my hair broke off and I was insecure and tried to cover it up because red dyes evenly. He made the situation a lot worse then it was as I was already in unfortunate circumstances.. took away way my education over something so irrelevant to my education. They don't care about the students.
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